After 5 days of athletic, academic, and musical competitions during the CeC Palaro 2012 last September 25-29, EdCriBA Team (Education, Criminology and Business Administration) made a historic win against its 4 competitors-- MEAN (Marine Engineering and Nursing), IIAS (Informatics), Navigators (Marine Transportation), and HMD-Theology. To note, it is the team's first time to emerge as the Palaro's over-all champion making the victory one of its greatest achievement.
Garnering a total of 22 gold, EdCriBA indeed had a close competition with MEAN (21 gold) and IIAS (20 gold). However, considering the number of silver and bronze medals it earned, it is evident that the team is CeC Palaro's rightful champ.
CeC SSC President Benito Lopoy Jr. presents the P5,000 cash prize to the leaders of EdCriBA Team. |
Bernadeth Abuhan (Education Dept Gov), Carlo Guivencan (Criminology Dept Gov), and Melvin Salinasal (Business Ad Dept Gov and Team Chairman) receives the P5,000 cash prize with the SSC Vice President Orlando Saplot. |
Members of Team EdCriBA celebrates their momentous victory after 5 days of athletic, academic, and musical battle against 4 teams during the CeC Palaro 2012 held last September 25-29. |
Sponge Bob Wins!: The Official Logo of EdCriBA Team which seems rejoicing for a destined victory. |